Saturday 17 January 2015

The Laundry Incident

"My t-shirt smells like dead rats. Ermm maybe wet rats actually.” 

This came after Josh tried to do laundry unattended for the first time. After unsuccessfully putting his clothes through the washer, he took them out soaking wet and put them into the dryer. Needless to say, even after 5 hours, no amount of drying power was going to reduce their saturated state. 

Giving up on the whole idea of laundry, he left them soaking wet in the dryer for two days. So this morning when Josh opened the dryer to get a work shirt out he discovered that it was in fact, still soaking wet and emanating the odour of “dead rats.” And trust me, it's certainly not a scent that you expect to encounter anywhere outside of the London underground sewers.

Josh was very quick to devise a solution to his laundry disaster; “In future I’m just going to put all my dirty laundry in your room Pops, then I know it will get done.”

I think the look of utmost horror on my face spoke volumes because Josh began to laugh as I replied; “Absolutely not, I don’t want your dirty laundry within a 10 metre radius of my bedroom thank you very much!” 

At the time of writing, the clothes in question still remain soaking wet inside the dryer so I'm pretty confident that the scent we will have the pleasure of experiencing tomorrow is going to be one of wet, dead and mouldy rats. I look forward to practicing my free-diving breath hold when I'm around Josh.

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