Monday 19 January 2015

The Geography Lesson

One evening when I asked Josh where in the US he is from, he replied, "I'm from Colorado."
Being British and unfamiliar with the location of every American State myself I asked him where exactly Colorado is. He stared back at me blankly before replying: "You know, between the four corners... Like in the middle kinda."

I didn't know, so I asked him to show me where it was on a map. So Josh brings up Google Maps on his phone ,finds America and hands it to me. I wasn't sure if he just thought I was asking where America was in relation to the surrounding ocean, because that's all he managed to clear up for me. 

Giving him the benefit of the doubt I asked him to show me where Colorado was on the map. Josh then started zooming in on the map and scrolling around whilst muttering to himself, "Yeah, it's around here somewhere." By this point the two other Canadian girls we were with at the time had dissolved into laughter, I know Americans aren't famous for their geographical knowledge, but I'd hoped that they would at least be able to locate their home state... Apparently I was wrong.

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