Sunday 18 January 2015


After lying on the couch all evening from the moment he got home Josh appeared to be deep in thought...Until he opened his mouth and said:
“If I was marine life I’d be a piece of coral. Ermm I think you’d be a dolphin. And if I was land based then I think I’d be an earth worm…. or a sloth…Oh my god I’m so lazy.”

“Yes you are; I swear I’ve never met anyone quite like you Josh, you are constantly tired.”

“Nahhh, I’m not really tired….I just sleep ‘coz I’m bored, there is nothing to do.”

“Are you serious?! You’re living on an island in the Caribbean... There is so much to do! I’m always busy. Why don’t you go out and explore the island, read a book, socialise or go for a swim?”

“Eugh that all sounds like a lot of effort and I spend every day in the ocean at work…Nahh I will have a nap and think about what I want to do when I wake up.”

“Ok, I have an idea, how do you feel about physical exercise? Why don’t you start working out with me, we can go running?”

“Run? I hate running, it hurts.”

“Well it’s good for you, it will make your air consumption better when you're diving, make you healthier and keep you in shape.”

“Ermmm I dunno.”

“Come on it will be fun, we can start small and build it up, we will do some core stuff too, like sit ups and stuff.”

“Sit ups? Oh hell no.”

I would probably have more success motivating a cardboard box. “Come on, you’ll love it! Plus it will help you get ripped and then all the girls will be flocking around you.”

At this Josh's eyes lit up and he even raised his head off the pillow; the most movement I’d seen from him all evening. “Ok sure, I will try it once.”

“Excellent, why don’t we start with a warm up…. Tidying up your room? This is going to be fun, I’m going to call it Poppy’s Boot camp.”

“Poppy’s boob camp? I get to feel boobs all day? Awesome!”

“BOOT camp Josh. My God.”

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